Omnia Ibrahim Hassanin Written : Creation in Africa

The African Countries have lots of treasures that can convert life into welfare era ,these treasures also can build generations with a great knowledge.
The creation can make the difference to build new civilization in Africa and achieve the sustainable development in African vision 2063 , the new generations with well prepared ones by learning and weaponing with science and technology , the great generations always learn from history and know well the lessons from others and own civilizations .
The good use of the natural resources can make difference and become A1 area and A OK region in the world , the loser nations are like the foot and soon parted as their people do not use resources in a good manner however Africa is an apple in eye in the world also the babe in arms and the bad use of resources have a bad taste in mouth and a bad man who always blame his own his tools , we must cooperate intellectually to make a good use of the Africa treasures .
Some African countries are at the sea and each of your rope when you see poverty in thoughts that suffer from the terrorism and aim at the spreading of the terroristic thoughts by the force in all Africa , The African Youth must do not bat an eyelid until achieve victory on poverty ,loss of knowledge ,safe and security stability in Africa , the use of science and radically thoughts will destroy Africa till all African countries cooperate to be a Big fish in a small pond ,some African countries like Somali is between the devil and the deep blue Sea and destroy their people , the good cooperation will solve the problem ,but the keyword for the solution of those problems is the development and establishment of projects to achieve self-suffiency and export their products to all the world , Africans need to achieve themselves and carry peace to all the world , some ideas of creative ones to achieve development :
1-the establishment of factories of photo fibers from the Saharan desert that will help in the establishment of more advanced projects in the near future .
2-The building of scientific research labs to safe biodiversity and help in finding more research for building new food chains that help to go space in the future to find food resources for the going to the space .
3-the system of forests labs that can make a new forest system that can make and prepare a living community within people in forests and jungle to make a recycling community to achieve sustainability .
4-Wieding the agricultural areas to get benefits gain the price that can be concluded as oxygen that will face the climates hange crisis
إقرا المزيد :
أمنية إبراهيم تكتب .. الاقتصاد البرتقالي و تفعيله في المشروعات البيئية.